(AbokiFx) Dollar(USD) to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today

(AbokiFx) Dollar(USD) to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today

Would you like to know the current black market rate in dollars to naira? Thefintrick updates its users daily on updates on the AbokiFx Rates, CBN, and Black Market. When compared to the CBN rate, the Black Market rate is typically more advantageous for dollar traders.

These individuals are referred to as Bureau De Change [BDC] Operators or Abokis.

It is important for our readers to understand important terms used on this page frequently which include “Buying” and “Selling” of Dollars.

Buying a Dollar means exchanging or getting a dollar with naira, while Selling means exchanging your dollars for naira especially at the black market rate.

Having given an introduction to the terms of use of words, let’s now address the question: “What is the Dollar To Naira Black Market Exchange Rate for Today?”

The Dollar was bought at ₦1485 and sold at ₦1490 today, according to traders in Zone 4, Wuse Abuja, one of the top BDC Centres in Nigeria.

How Much Is Dollar To Naira Black Market Rate Today(February 12, 2024)?

The table below shows the black market rate for those who want to sell and buy dollars with BDC operators or individuals or firms popularly known as Abokis.
Dollar To Naira Black Market Rate Today
Buying Rate
Selling Rate

Table showing the Dollar to Naira Black Market/Aboki Exchange Rate Today

The black market pricing for major denominations are shown in the table below. We multiply the selling rate, which is ₦1495, by the dollar denomination. For instance, we multiply $5 by ₦1495 to convert it.

Denominations In Dollars($) Black Market Exchange Rate Today in Naira

Please keep in mind that the rates at which you buy and sell forex may differ from those described in this article due to price fluctuations.

Also, be aware that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognise the parallel market (black market), and has directed persons interested in engaging in Forex to contact their specific banks.

Dollar To Naira CBN Rate Today

As of today, February 12, 2024, the Central Bank of Nigeria sells at ₦1480 and buys at ₦1481. This price can be obtained from the publication here www.cbn.gov.ng/rates/ExchRateByCurrency.asp.

CBN Buying Rate
CBN Selling Rate

How to avoid Black market Dollar Scams

  1. Verify the dollar currency

If you choose to use a black market currency exchange business to purchase US dollars, check their credentials and reputation. Also, examine the dollar carefully to see if you notice anything suspicious.

How Much Is A Dollar To Naira Black Market Rate(Lagos)?

Lagos and Abuja are regarded for having some of the greatest black market pricing in the country due to their geographical location. The rate for Lagos is ₦1495. There are several exchanges in Lagos, and this price may differ from the one specified for you.

How Much Is 100$ In The Black Market Today?

100$ is equivalent to ₦149,500.

How Much Is 1000$ In The Black Market Today February 14 2024?

1000$ is equivalent to ₦1,495,000.

How Much Is 5000$ In The Black Market Today?

5000$ is equivalent to ₦7,475,000.